Docked in Vienna and flying the Austrian flag. ------That is a U.N. building across the river -perhaps the World Health Organization ( I forget)
I found Vienna a bit intimidating at first, as it was the first really big city we encountered. I calmed down and got used to it though. The pastries helped. It is the only city where we forewent the local specialty- which was hot chocolate so rich one had to eat it rather than drink it. The pastries were certainly plenty caloric too, but I am sure the so-called "drink" would have really been over the top. Of course, you know there are palaces, music, and other grand things, and we did see and hear them. However, here are a few other things you would probably rather see.THE SPANISH RIDING SCHOOL AND THE LIPIZZANERS
They really do live right in the middle of the city in a palatial abode.
If you love Lipizzaners, read an old mystery by Mary Stewart called "Airs Above The Ground". It's a good and quick read, and you can probably find any number of used copies for $1 on abe books.com
There's the Ferris wheel. We did not have time for a ride during our tour, and we did not think about going back on our own at night, until we found out that several of our fellow passengers did..... Next time!
The "structure" in the foreground is actually one of the cars. They are bigger than buses, though not quite as large as boxcars. People do sometimes reserve them for weddings however.
I forget the German name for it, but there is an area along one of the canals which translates out as "the Chillin' Out Place". There is a large swimming pool on a barge and a sandy beach on the other side of the bridge with volleyball and other activities usually reserved for holidays at the sea. Viennese do like to have their fun.
Though it usually is just plain ol' "river colored", the "Beautiful Blue Danube" sometime really is just that..........
An irresistible cloud and sun picture in the late afternoon. Of course, all those wispy cirrus mackerel scales augured for a weather change.
Fortunately we were not a "tall ship" and so we did not have to worry about carrying "small sails."
It was true though. After 3 days of short-sleeved summer weather, fall came to Central Europe. It did turn cold, though the weather stayed fair. We were dressed for it, and the party floated on westward.
Did you receive a post card from us?? Perhaps THIS is that very one. Could be.......