Friday, February 20, 2009


Hi there!
I'm Momcat.

Not merely A Momcat, but THE Momcat
. This has been so for at least 30 years when I began drinking coffee out of a Kliban Momcat Mug, and my kids decided it was my real-i-o, trul-i-o identity. Even though I am not marsupalian, it seems to have stuck.

By now, of course, I am also a Grannycat.
Behold the adorable grandchildren.

There is also a grandpapa in this mix--referred to as "The Fatherhead"

Momcat and The Fatherhead have been married since 1965. Which, of course, makes us either the subjects of a childhood arranged marriage or quite ancient. We ain't-a divulgin' which.


The Bristol,Tennessee grand-dogs and their loving family

Autolycus and Mojado with Grannycat~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~JW &V


St. Paul, Minnesota Grand-Animals.
The Ashland Avenue Crew

Ace and Andy ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Rosie and her Bairnie, Solo

Uncle B. and Solo show off their amazing SAPPHIRE eyes

H & R

The loving parents of the Ashland Avenue Assemblage

The Myrtle Street Cat Dander Group

~M & B ~
the mom and dad

(Archeopteryx) with her Mommy
And Caspian in a Sunbeam

Here is Whiskey the recently adopted 3 legged puppy. Is that little girl adorable?? OH MY YES!!

For the her complete saga go clickin' off to

Now back to us and the Salt Lake City Menagerie
Except for one misbegotten venture into the realm of pound hounds with Baskerville, we have always had Brittany Spaniels- in fact, we currently own Brittanies # 5 & 7 --Cooper and Tali (Talisman) They were preceded by our "furry bakery" Spice Cake (the mommie) and Apple Strudel (the hunting machine), then Mystery, Jesse (Jester) and Sadie (the Vixen).
**You may gather that we have long since decided that there is nothing quite so wonderful as a Brittany**

Cooper (L) is 10 years old Tali (R) is almost 16- the oldest Brittany we've ever had

Well, that's it. If you lived thru the introduction, come back again for shorter updates as they happen.
So long from Momcat and the Fatherhead


  1. Great Start! Great photos! Who are all those lovely people?

  2. Welcome to the world wide web! Keep posting cute pictures!
