Sunday, May 3, 2009

Mount Hood daffodils

In a frolic outpouring of poeticism, when our youngest Chickadee went off to college in Oregon, I bought some Mount Hood daffodils in commemoration of the milestone. White- like the Mount hood glaciers. I thought it was an inspired idea! The daffodils bulbs, however, were less than pleased. They let me know in no uncertain terms just how little they appreciated their prime location in the front border by doing the absolute least they could get away with and not be dug up or plowed under as dead and gone. They bloomed little and spread none. In short, they sulked.

They continued their little pet for several years until we created the two "Williamsburg Gardens" out at the end of the driveway and moved them -hoping for the best, but expecting not too much. Well gollies, they did a total turn around! Maybe there is Prozac in the soil. Maybe they just had East Coast dreams and Colonial Dame pretensions all along, and we just didn't know.

But then, who knew you needed a psychiatrist for your daffodils. I thought the beauty of bulbs was that you just stuck them in the ground and let them go. Oh well!

Now we have enough Mount Hoods to cut and bring inside to arrange with grape hyacynths and other things . I hope you like them, Chickadee. They are all for you.



1 comment:

  1. Wow - it only took 14 years - but you got them to bloom! I also like the homamge to Tox - it's good to see him popping his head up.
