The Greenlee Flower and Hummingbird Sanctuary Is Now OPEN
Our back porch is our private little tree top sanctuary 4 levels above the back yard. We have breakfast and dinner out there from as early in the spring as we can until as late in the fall as we can.
It has needed painting dreadfully for at least 4 years -maybe more. The trouble is, by the time the weather is pleasant enough to use it, we have been ready to use it for weeks. So we do not want to wait while the paint dries.
This year, it was unequivocal. There was more bare wood than painted, and it was getting extremely pitted from attacks of the sun and the storms.
Sadly, we moved all the furniture out to the garage and began scraping. That took days.
~~~Loose nails and flakey paint~~~
Next there was the painting. ---The Fatherhead spent days on his hands and knees jamming paint into every little crevice. 3 gallons and 4 coats laters later, it was pronounced DONE
Just about there!
Now it needs to cure for a couple of weeks.
NO scraping furniture feet. NO doggie toenails!!!
Now it needs to cure for a couple of weeks.
NO scraping furniture feet. NO doggie toenails!!!
We are now back to the good life in our little hideaway. The plants, which spent weeks potted up waiting under the shade tree in the front yard are installed. They are happy to the point of exuberance.
Now we think, if we just have the discipline to give it a quick once over each spring with a long handled roller, then we will never be inconvenienced like this again. Right!
You know what they say---
~~~"He who paints with the devil needs a long handled roller."~~~
It's lovely! All of that work paid off.