Wednesday, July 8, 2009


Well, I think it's a barrel cactus. It's barrelly shaped. Aside from its being green and prickly, it does NOT in the least resemble any of the barrel cacti in my "70 Common Cacti of the Southwest" book, which I bought in that motherlode of all cactus sanctuaries, Arizona.
It comes closest to the AZ Barrel, but it has white flowers- and that's all wrong. Every time I find a picture with a similar growing habit and ribs, it has curved claw- like spines -mine are straight. Oh well, maybe it's a sport. Maybe it's an alien; but I prefer to think that it's a sport.
Of late, it is proving to be quite a good sport.

Barrel Cacti are either the genus Ferocactus or Echinocactus. I don't know about the Fero part, but the Echino sure fits. Unfortunately, I am told that Barrels always bloom around the very top of the plant, right near the growing point. As you can see, this little friend blooms wherever he wants to.
See There-- A SPORT
Its history- It began life in our house about 5 years ago, when the Momcat set out to get some plants and other accessories to give her kitchen a southwestern look. An aloe plant was, of course, a slam dunk.
There it was, a lonely little orphan --still a baby, but way too big for its pathetically small pot, which it had outweighted and turned over, spilling out much of its soil. Hence it was marked down to almost nothing to clear quickly. --Read: "We don't want to touch this sucker to repot it, so please get it out of here, PRONTO!" I was hooked- as it were.

I got it a somewhat larger pot in green- to go with the kitchen color scheme and ensconced it in its new residence without undue bodily harm to either of us.
Since it sits on the windowsill by the sink, of course, it receives water a lot more frequently than it would in its Sonoran homeland. Hence, in a few years, it was repotting time again. I found it a larger, but very attractive green pot, and we were back in business. A problem for the future --This is the largest pot which will fit on the windowsill.
Then what!?!

Well......... the future is upon us. The little dear is pushing against the glass and propelling itself off the sill onto the counter. It has also been known to take a nip out of the occasional guest who has mistaken it for artificial. I'm sure this was an innocent act of friendship, however.
After all who wouldn't fall in love with that precious little face?

This summer, it has rewarded me for all my care.

For the very first time.......

and then it bloomed, and then it bloomed some more.


It is very lovely, and, as you can see, it has lots more buds.

The Dilemma: Is it blooming, BECAUSE it has finally become potbopund, and it likes it that way? OR Does it want a larger pot, which will necessitate its being moved to another location? I realize a true classical dilemma has 3 horns, but I believe this fella has enough prickles in aggregate to make up the 3rd horn of a healthy dilemma. Perhaps even 1 1/2 dilemmae.
In the meantime, The kitchen also has a saguaro which is growing apace. Fortunately even a well loved saguaro will take 10 years attain 4" of height. But if you think the unidentified orphan barrel cactus poses a problem, just wait until the saguaro has been here 50 or 60 years. Oh well, the place needs a skylight .

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